Build and test hexagon coupler

Putting the pieces together and making first complete hexagon coupler. This is continuation of work with 3D printed capacitive hexagon coupler. The 3D model is available at printables as Hexagon coupler.

Adding nylon screws and knobs for tuning.

Adding temporary cables for quick test and connected to my 80m spiral loop (copper foil on acrylic plate).

Perfect match VSWR 1:1.03!

It is easy to tune and feels stable. Adding antenna cover for not upsetting anyone.

Quick antenna test on sofa before going out to the windy cold balcony.

Mounted in parasol foot and started testing on FT8 with 10W. It is midday and mostly noise and little traffic on 80m (more a night frequency). Found a single signal from Poland and no more.


Then it happened: ES5PC Estonia picked up my signal and quite a strong sky wave over Baltic Sea.

Coming in strong to Estonia on 80m

Now it is time to prepare balcony for winter so I take down antenna and try again later tonight . All flowers will be put inside and sun beds go to basement. The good thing is that I get more room for antenna testing.

Printed weather proof case to get rid of cables and added connectors.

Left it running for some hours while transmitting 10W. VSWR did not move, and was <1:1.1 all the time. My old coupler s needed adjustments very often.

After some hours at 22:00 CET. It is rainy and windy but antenna is stable. Luckily I got the weather proofed case mounted. Return power still unmeasurable – good VSWR.

From PskReporter

Checking with heat camera shows tiny increase of temperature in coupler. It will be Interesting to compare with nylon another day.

Heat in coupler

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